
As with most of this site, this location is currently under construction.  But bit by bit, I'm...well...

...working on it...

Origin:             Minneapolis, MN
Current location:   Alexandria, VA
Birthday:           December (a Sagittarian)
Status:             Occupied...
Blog:               Froggie's Blog (which isn't touched nearly as often as it needs to be)

There's the basics.  As for what I do for a living, I'm a sailor in the United States Navy.  Prior duty stations include the now-decommissioned USS Independence (CV-62), formerly homeported in Yokosuka, Japan, the weather detachment at Naval Air Station, Meridian, MS, the forecasting school at the Navy unit at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS, the Mobile Environmental Team in Norfolk, VA, and now a subset of the Naval Oceanographic Office at Stennis Space Center, MS.

Some of my hobbies and interests include bicycling, golfing, playing Battletech, transportation research (especially roads and to a lesser extent transit systems), and surfing the net.  Most often, I'm tinkering around with something or another on my webpage, or researching things for it.

My #1 hobby, of course, is studying roads and highways.  I'm a self-styled "roadgeek" (a more P.C. term would be "highway enthusiast"), and I love to travel on new roads and highways, discuss them, and research various aspects.   I even have multiple sub-websites dealing with roads and highways.  In recent years, though, I've become more of a multi-modal "transportation geek", including transit and bicycling in with the highways.

Where did this Froggie nickname come from?  The main culprit to thank is an old friend of mine from my time on the "Indy".  Started sometime in '95 or '96, and the nickname stuck.  I've been using it ever since.

Page last modified 28 October, 2006