Along southbound I-85 approaching Avondale Dr.
Here, most of the construction was in the median. Photo taken February 21,
2004. |
At this point, between Avondale Dr and Roxbury St,
the southbound lanes are temporary using the old northbound lanes, while work
progresses on the old southbound side. Photo taken February 21, 2004. |
Approaching the interchange with Duke St/US 501
North. The future (and at the time unused) Duke St overpass is just behind
the old overpass. Photo taken February 21, 2004. |
Just west of the Duke St interchange, where the
future southbound lanes will sit on new right-of-way. Photo taken February 21,
2004. |
At the Broad St overpass, where a temporary overpass
is in place behind the new overpass under construction. Photo taken
February 21, 2004. |
A lot of earth being moved west of Guess Rd.
Photo taken February 21, 2004. |
At the Hillandale Rd interchange. Photo taken
February 21, 2004. |
Westbound on US 70 at a relocated Cheek Rd. The
project also includes about a mile of reconstruction on US 70 east of I-85,
including relocating the former interchange at Geer St to Cheek Rd. Photo
taken February 21, 2004. |

Approaching I-85. Previously only a
half-directional interchange, the new design will provide a full interchange at
I-85, with new ramps from WB US 70 to NB I-85 and SB I-85 to EB US 70 being
added. At the time of this photo, the ramp from WB 70 to NB 85 had been
completed and opened. Photo taken February 21, 2004. |
About to cross the future overpass over I-85, with
the future SB to EB flyover under construction. The new interchange will
be a 3-level semi-directional stack. Photo taken February 21, 2004. |
About to merge onto southbound I-85. The old
merge, still in use at the time of the photo, was a very dangerous left-hand
merge with minimal acceleration lane. The new merge will be a lot safer,
on the right-hand side with an auxiliary lane. Photo taken February 21,
2004. |