Eastern Metro

This page covers I-94 from the I-35E interchange near downtown St. Paul to the I-494/694 interchange in Woodbury.  This section includes a 1.4 mile duplex with US 61 and a 2.8 mile duplex with US 10.  US 52 has a hidden duplex with I-94 along the western 0.7 mile, and US 12 has a hidden duplex along the entire length.  Total length of this section is approximately 6.9 miles.


Formerly known as Hudson Road, and still called that by some, this section of I-94 follows old US 12, and is the primary route between St. Paul and the eastern suburbs.  Much of the segment is old and is showing its age, except for that part in/near downtown St. Paul, which was reconstructed and improved during the early 1990s.  This reconstruction moved many ramps from the left side to the right side, provided 3 lanes in each direction, and provided a direct connection from southbound I-35E to the US 52 Lafayette Bridge (a movement which formerly had to use city streets).  East of St. Paul, however, traffic troubles accumulate, though these are being partially mitigated with completion of 6-laning of I-94 near 3M headquarters in Maplewood.

Roadway Configuration

Average Daily Traffic Counts

Location 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994
E of I-35E NORTH 88,300 93,100 101,000 98,000 103,500 87,000 115,000 146,000
E of US 52 SOUTH 83,000 84,200 86,100 78,800 81,500 66,000 85,000 110,000
Between Mounds Blvd ramps 66,500 72,400 72,400 64,400 66,000 66,000 66,000 92,000
E of Mounds Blvd/US 61 NORTH 75,500 82,000 86,600 77,500 80,000 85,000 90,000 112,000
E of US 61/10 SOUTH 57,000 62,800 67,100 68,000 72,500 77,000 79,000 90,000
E of White Bear Ave 51,700 52,800 59,100 59,600 65,000 69,000 71,000 80,000
E of Ruth St 43,000 44,200 51,000 50,000 54,000 59,000 62,000 70,000
E of McKnight Rd 35,200 34,000 41,500 38,000 43,000 46,500 49,000 58,000
E of 3M N/A 36,500 40,300 34,500 46,000 41,000 45,500 54,000
E of MN 120 33,300 34,500 38,800 33,500 41,900 45,000 51,000 60,000


Location 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 10-yr
E of I-35E NORTH 155,000 155,000 158,000 160,000 156,000 156,000 +1%
E of US 52 SOUTH 128,000 128,000 132,000 141,000 136,000 132,000 +3%
Between Mounds Blvd ramps 112,000 111,000 114,000 120,000 116,000 116,000 +4%
E of Mounds Blvd/US 61 NORTH 127,000 125,000 129,000 134,000 130,000 129,000 +2%
E of US 61/10 SOUTH 103,000 107,000 109,000 114,000 109,000 114,000 +11%
E of White Bear Ave 93,000 97,000 99,000 104,000 98,000 104,000 +12%
E of Ruth St 83,000 87,000 89,000 94,000 87,000 92,000 +11%
E of McKnight Rd 68,000 73,000 75,000 80,000 74,000 78,000 +15%
E of 3M 65,000 70,000 72,000 77,000 72,000 80,000 +23%
E of MN 120 60,000 77,000 79,000 85,000 85,000 86,000 +43%

1990 counts near downtown St. Paul are low due to construction.
2004 counts east of US 52 are low due to construction.

Click HERE for the Exit List

Speed Limit


Future Plans

Froggie Suggests


Last updated 12 May, 2008