Characteristics of the ca. 1990-propsed LRT system in Hennepin County

The following statistics table comes from a table listed in the "Comprehensive LRT System Plan" done for the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority around 1990.  The study was performed by BRW Consulting,  transit stations (also as some do today), but I would still retain express bus service on some routes not easily served by rail.

  Stage 1 Plan Twenty-Year Plan
Segment Length
Capital Cost
(1988 $ mil)

Daily Ridership
Range Year 2010

Capital Cost
(1988 $ mil)

Daily Ridership
Range Year 2010

Downtown (tunnel to 29th St) 3.4 138 -- 3.4 138 --
Northwest Corridor 9.0 114 18,000 - 23,500 12.0 139 19,600 - 25,500
Southwest Corridor 6.9 71 14,500 - 18,800 13.5 127 16,600 - 22,000
South (I-35W) Corridor 4.4 80 15,300 - 20,000 10.4 216 24,500 - 32,000
Hiawatha Corridor 3.9 34 13,000 - 17,000 10.0 145 17,300 - 22,500
University Connector 1.5 40 9,200 - 12,000 1.5 40 9,200 - 12,000
Yards and Shops -- 20 -- -- 20 --
Totals 29.1 497 70,000 - 91,300   825 87,200 - 114,000

TABLE NOTE:  The capital costs and patronage forecasts will be refined in Preliminary Engineering.  The ridership forecasts are based on work reported in the Metropolitan Council report dated December 1986, "A Study of Potential Transit Capital Investments in Twin Cities Corridors" and the results of the Patronage Forecasting Peer Review Committee work.

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Page last modified 04 February, 2006