This post started out as a website update announcement but also included a quick daytrip along the Mississippi Gulf Coast on September 30, 2001.

MS, AL, and MN ends updates

Off and on over the weekend, I made updates to the 3 states I have highway endings for. All accessible from

Also, took an impromptu roadtrip today after standing in line for 2 hours to meet Kurt Angle. Basically just over to Grand Bay, AL and back...over on US 90, back on I-10:

- Construction progressing quite nicely on the new Pascagoula High Bridge on US 90, which will replace the existing 4-lane drawbridge over the East Pascagoula River. No work on the main span yet, but most of the steel I-beams for the approach spans are inplace. The new bridge will be 8 lanes wide (6 through lanes + 2 auxiliaries) plus shoulders.

- Also, MDOT is widening US 90 to 6 lanes from the Ingalls Shipbuilding/Naval Station access road west into Gautier, including bridge widening over the West Pascagoula River. The bridge is not quite finished yet, but the "causeway" portion (between the bridge and the access road) is mostly completed and open.

- Took and photographed the length of the oblique MS 611. For the most part, MS 611 is a 3-lane road (1 lane SB, 2 lanes NB), running from the US 90/MS 63 intersection south to the Port of Pascagoula and nearby industrial areas (for example, Chevron has a refinery down there).  Relating to a recent thread, MS 611 dead-ends at a pair of gates with gravel trails leading to pipelines, short of the beach itself.

- Found the old grade for the former US 90/I-10 connector at the MS/AL state line (that Presnwap was searching for a couple months ago). The grade is most noticeable from EB US 90. If you're on I-10, look on the south side directly opposite the WB weigh station.

- Looks like ALDOT just got done resurfacing I-10 in the vicinity of Grand Bay.

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(C) 2007, Adam Froehlig