I-35W/MN 36/MN 280 - Roseville

As a general rule, the I-35W/MN 36/MN 280 interchange area is a fairly good area.   C/D roads and additional lanes between MN 280 and MN 36 help keep traffic moving along the I-35W mainline.  However, traffic volumes today are to the point where this area is seeing ever increasing congestion.

i35w-mn36.png (79550 bytes)

I-35W goes from southwest to north.  MN 36 starts at I-35W and runs east, while MN 280 runs south near the western edge of the map.  Cleveland Ave runs from the I-35W/MN 36 interchange south.

As with most Twin Cities bottlenecks, a lack of through lanes hinders performance along I-35W in this area.  Joining them together and improving the 50 MPH curve at the MN 36 interchange are two improvements, along with at least 3 (and preferably 4) lanes each direction help the flow along I-35W.  A slight shift of the westbound collector-distributor road helps with the spacing.  Separation of I-35W and MN 36 eastbound through the area would help avoid any of the last minute weaves and lane shifts that currently exist in that area.  The left-hand exit on southbound I-35W to MN 36/Cleveland Ave is replaced by a right-hand exit.  And down on MN 280, an overpass at County Road B does restrict access, but improves traffic flow along 280 by removing the currently-existing stoplight.  The proximity of that large industrial plant to the 280 mainline may cause problems regarding future improvements to 280.

It was suggested to me that I should include a flyover ramp for SB I-35W to EB MN 36 traffic.  I'll consider this but did not include it at this time due to ROW and construction costs.

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Page last modified 24 May, 2008