Most of my views of Rockfish Gap come from the top of
the gap, which I found a side way to get to from the Appalachian Trail.
This view looks southwestward at development near the gap itself.
Eastbound I-64 is at the far bottom, with the Blue Ridge Parkway (BRP) visible
through the middle of the image. |
Slightly down, to the right, and zoomed in from the
above photo. The bridge on the right side takes BRP over I-64. |

Zoomed in views of buildings photographed above.
The white car in the middle of the lower photo is mine...that's where I parked
for this hike. |

These two views look southward from my perch.
The road seen in the zoomed in images is VA 6. |
Looking a little further left from the upper image
above. VA 6 is still visible. |
A teepee I found on a flat spot within Rockfish
Gap. The inside of the teepee, unfortunately, was dirty and
trash-ridden. |
A berry bush I found near the teepee. |
A zoom-in of the BRP bridge over I-64, taken from
near the teepee. |
Looking in the other direction along I-64 from near
the teepee. |
Back down at "ground level", this is looking east at
I-64 through the Gap, as seen from the BRP bridge over I-64. |
VDOT maintains a weather station at the Gap.
This part of Afton Mountain is prone to periods of dense fog. This fog has
been known to cause fatal accidents in the past, both on US 250 and on I-64. |
Looking east at US 250 as it begins descending from
Afton Mountain. |
The junction with US 250 marks the northern terminus
of the Blue Ridge Parkway. This sign proclaims the "entrance" as one
begins heading south. |
A little north of I-64 here. The BRP continues
north of I-64 as Skyline Drive as it passes through Shenandoah National Park. |
National Park sign of Rockfish Gap. |